Lowongan Kerja RS Harapan Bunda (Masih Dibuka)

Lowongan Kerja RS Harapan Bunda (Masih Dibuka)

Harapan Bunda Hospital constantly evolving dynamic and innovative in delivering leading-edge health care quality. Therefore, it needs professionals who are dynamic, innovative, high integrity and commitment, teamwork-oriented, and have the sincerity and sensitivity in providing services.

Skills and the best knowledge and professionalism of employees are indispensable in implementing a high standard of service quality Harapan Bunda Hospital. Hence increasing the expertise and knowledge of a team of doctors along with medical staff consistently and continuously carried out through training and education, in line with the dynamic development of medical science and health care needs of the community are of high quality. In addition, the Harapan Bunda Hospital is committed to provide good compensation and awards to all employees as a major asset in advancing the quality of service to the community.

You who have the vision and mission in line with the Harapan Bunda Hospital and wanted a challenging career in the field of health care, let's join and move forward with us, providing the best health services for the people of Indonesia.

Karir Rumah Sakit Harapan Bunda

Rumah Sakit Harapan Bunda membutuhkan beberapa tenaga Profesional & Qualified :

  1. Dokter Spesialis Ortopaedi dan Traumatologi (Sp.OT)
  2. Dokter Spesialis Onkologi (SP.Onk)
  3. Dokter Spesialis Radiologi (Sp.Rad)
  4. Dokter Umum (mempunyai Sertifikat ACLS, ATLS, Hiperkes, dan STR yang masih berlaku(GP))
  5. Kepala Bagian Marketing (MKT)
  6. Kepala Bagian Keuangan (KEU)
  7. Kepala Bagian HRD (HRD)
  8. Kepala bagian Accounting (ACC)
  9. Apoteker (APT)
  10. Sarjana Keperawatan Profesi Ners(NS)
  11. D3 Rekam Medik (MR)
  12. D3 Radiologi(RAD)
  13. D3 Analisa Kesehatan (AK)
  14. D3 Fisioterapi (F)
  15. D3 Okupasi Terapi (OT)
  16. D1 PTTD untuk Bank Darah/ Analis yang pernah mengikuti pelatihan Bank Darah(BD)

No. 5 s/d 16 pengalaman sesuai dengan bidang masing - masing minimal 2 tahun di Rumah Sakit.

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap ke alamat dengan cantumkan kode/ posisi yang diinginkan di pojok kanan atas amplop:

Rumah Sakit Harapan Bunda
Jl. Raya Bogor KM. 22 No. 44 Jakarta Timur
Telepon  : (+62)21 840-0257
Fax        : (+62)21 841-2977
E-mail     : hrd@rsharapanbunda.com

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